Article: What to Know Before Your First Spray Tan

What to Know Before Your First Spray Tan
You’ve heard that people are spray tanning now, and quickly the questions and hesitations swirling around in your head begin to multiply. What will I look like, how do I dress, is this safe, is this right for me, how can I avoid embarrassing myself? We’re here to break down the basics so that you can walk into your first spray tan appointment feeling comfortable and confident.
Step 1: Prepare your skin with a few simple steps. We recommend exfoliating head to toe, skipping body moisturizer the day of your appointment and scheduling any hair removal in your regimen first, even if its shortly before your tan.
Step 2: Wear whatever you are comfortable in for the spray. Most of our clients wear nothing on top and a thong on the bottom. Our solution won’t adhere to your clothes, so you can always wear your own bottoms, or one of the black cotton thongs we provide.
Step 3: Forget orange. Rather than mixing from hundreds of colors for a lucky chance at matching your unique skin tone, with our solution your skin picks the color. You simply choose the look. The amino acids in the top layer of your skin do the work for us by reacting with our solution in a similar way to how they react to the sun, so that your tan always looks natural to you. If you can’t hold color or only burn, you’re likely to see a beautiful pink undertone in your tan.
Step 4: Not all tans are brown. We believe that some of the best tans are the ones your friends would never notice, which simply means that many people like to tan to look healthy and even, rather than to look fresh off the beach. You are welcome to tan as conservatively or as noticeable as you’d like at Pure Glow, and we’ll take you through our Menu of Looks to help you understand our spectrum of tan.
From the moment your appointment is confirmed to the moment you leave, we’re addressing the questions on your mind before you ask them. We love to watch clients go from newbie to pro in just one appointments time, so pick your date to dive in -- and get excited!
For anything else you might want to know about safety, ingredients, logistics and the like, you can visit our FAQ or Contact Us directly.